Blog Archive

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I've been slacking!

Pardon my horrible slacking when it comes to my posting with colors and swatches- I seem to have LOST my digital camera since the last post- I hope to some day find it laying in front of my face in this house of mine.

So here I am....trying to catch up on my Aromaleigh swatches. Small confession.....these are just colors I've recently acquired since February...yes, I know I have problems, and tonight- I have come to that realization.

Omg I looooove colors :-]

So I did 31 colors and swatches.

From top to bottom (not including the side swatches)
Row 1: paranoia (glitter), twinkling lights, ringoffire, flying flower, cool it, trainwreck, trillium, flutura's cloud, shadowplay, dawnbright (shimmer)
Row 2: expelliarmus, retrograde, event horizon, wave length, anake, obliviate, neptune, the wrong alice, phoebe, riddikulus
Row 3: tangled tinsel, severnia, socialite, rebel rebel (glitter), aphrodite (glitter) (thanks for these 5 from Lisa N.) Oops shade of darkish green when applied, Oops shade of blackish purple, lillith, delilah (glitter), scylla (glitter), permafrost (glitter), twilight sparkle (thanks for these 5 from Jennifer R.)
Row 4: eros, dolphin, little craving, lagoon, velvet dream, sage, tanaquil, times square, magnolia, kiss

Side Row (all Oops colors) ordered from left to right top to bottom (these are descriptions of when applied, not what you see in the bag): brown/red, dark bronze, tan/gold, bronze, peach, brown, tan, cranberry, blue/green all of these Oops colors are full of glitter and sparkle

The pictures were taken with my webcam which is decent, but really just can't do it justice. I tried to take the pics in the best lighting I could though- so the color is fairly good in the pictures.

I am totally willing to part with some of these, even though I love colors and glitter, I just don't do neutrals!

My favorite picks from these: Flying flower, Trillium, tangled tinsel, Flutura's cloud, severnia I have to say, alllllll of the ones in the second row are absolutely to die for which is why I specifically ordered full size jars of them

(PS- all of these swatches were put over Pixie Epoxy from Fyrinnae)


  1. I wish I had done my swatches this way!The way I did it made me run out of room and it looked like a sloppy mess when I was done hehe.

  2. I had to use a tiny eyeliner brush to keep it clean
